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Led by Kaiyon Gunn, the SMART Moves program is a comprehensive health and wellness initiative offered by the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The program's primary objective is to encourage young people to adopt healthy behaviors that will last a lifetime, through education and hands-on activities. This program focuses on healthy behaviors and physical activity. Through educational workshops, physical fitness activities, and other projects, Smart Moves helps young people understand the importance of making healthy choices emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Smart Moves provides young people with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their wellness. The program includes lessons on emotional health, stress management, as well as opportunities to participate in physical fitness activities and learn about the benefits of an active lifestyle. In addition, Smart Moves encourages young people to take a leadership role in promoting healthy behaviors in their communities by participating in community service projects and advocacy efforts. The Smart Moves program is designed to be inclusive and accessible to all young people, regardless of their background or abilities. With the help of the Smart Moves program, the Boys & Girls Club provides young people with the tools and resources they need to lead healthy lives.

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